
The ESSGN provides project participants with extensive training in sociogenomic methods as well as other aspects of the research process. The following workshops have taken place, or are planned.

  1. Bootcamp in social science genetics, Venice 2023.
  2. Methodological workshop: Advanced statistical genetic data analysis. Advanced topics in causal inference. Incorporating genetics in theories of (i) economics, (ii) demography, (iii) sociology, (iv) psychology and political science.
  3. Methodological workshop: Advanced Mendelian randomization. Advanced topics in (i) GWAS, (ii) polygenic score construction, (iii) LD score regression, and (iv) genetic correlations. Statistical software and tools outside academia. How genetic architecture informs medical and social research. Also, ethics workshop: responsible communication with society.
  4. Methodological workshop: collecting, extracting and securely storing genetic material. Family-based genetic analysis. Also: funding opportunities, public engagement and translating your research.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 programme under grant agreement number 101073237

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